Dear loved ones,
Evelyn just read an email from her sister Louise that indicates she's reading our blog. Hello Louise!
This past Sunday was a day of fasting for the saints and the Priesthood leaders asked us to remember those who have been affected by the bush fires and the concern of the ongoing drought. What a joy to wake up yesterday to rain and then have it continue, on and off, through the morning. It's certainly not over but we are grateful to acknowledge the hand of God in our lives.
Last night was FHE here at our flat and we had a few new faces join us which was wonderful. Three of the boys are professional rugby players and they can tell some stories! Sylvia also joined us last night. We had met her brother David a few weeks ago but we just met her on Sunday. She and Joe both work for the government offices of one of the political members. We had a great time with the kids and had some serious discussions, great food and lots of laughter. Nobody has a laugh quite as deep, strong and resonating as do the Polynesian people. It was great. They were all out before 10:00.
Today is a beautiful day and the temperature is quite nice. We'll have a good drive up to Sydney, where we'll be spending the next two days. Tomorrow is an all mission conference and then Thursday is a senior missionary conference. We'll be staying with the Beckhams and it will be great to have time with the young and the old missionaries. We're going to the Temple on Thursday morning and that will be our first time in the Sydney temple because it's been closed for a month of cleaning, repairs and getting ready for their Christmas season. They really dress up the temple grounds and make it into quite a nice open house. I'll try and get a few pictures posted.
We love the Lord, our families, our friends and we have been so blessed. I can't find the words to describe the fullness in my heart. Love to all, Steve & Evelyn
Evelyn just read an email from her sister Louise that indicates she's reading our blog. Hello Louise!
This past Sunday was a day of fasting for the saints and the Priesthood leaders asked us to remember those who have been affected by the bush fires and the concern of the ongoing drought. What a joy to wake up yesterday to rain and then have it continue, on and off, through the morning. It's certainly not over but we are grateful to acknowledge the hand of God in our lives.
Last night was FHE here at our flat and we had a few new faces join us which was wonderful. Three of the boys are professional rugby players and they can tell some stories! Sylvia also joined us last night. We had met her brother David a few weeks ago but we just met her on Sunday. She and Joe both work for the government offices of one of the political members. We had a great time with the kids and had some serious discussions, great food and lots of laughter. Nobody has a laugh quite as deep, strong and resonating as do the Polynesian people. It was great. They were all out before 10:00.
Today is a beautiful day and the temperature is quite nice. We'll have a good drive up to Sydney, where we'll be spending the next two days. Tomorrow is an all mission conference and then Thursday is a senior missionary conference. We'll be staying with the Beckhams and it will be great to have time with the young and the old missionaries. We're going to the Temple on Thursday morning and that will be our first time in the Sydney temple because it's been closed for a month of cleaning, repairs and getting ready for their Christmas season. They really dress up the temple grounds and make it into quite a nice open house. I'll try and get a few pictures posted.
We love the Lord, our families, our friends and we have been so blessed. I can't find the words to describe the fullness in my heart. Love to all, Steve & Evelyn
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