smoke filled air

It's Wednesday, around noon, and the air is quite a bit better than yesterday.  There was so much smoke in the air, from the bush fires, that we were warned to stay inside.  We did make a trip over to the gym but the rest of the day was inside.  The Jackson family left after breakfast.  It was nice to have them and they really contributed to the success of FHE. Last night we went over to a noodle restaurant that is here in Belconnen and it was one of the best dinners we've had since coming.  We tried to engage the server in a little conversation but it was quickly obvious that English was not a comfortable language.

We finished reading the Book of Mormon in our companion study today so we'll be starting over tomorrow.  In a few minutes, one of our YSA's will be coming by the flat.  Michael is a recent convert to the church and comes to FHE and church quite regularly.  He texted this morning and asked if he could visit with us.

I went over to the gym, this morning, by myself because Evelyn is still struggling with the sore throat.  I'm sure the smoke in the air isn't helping.  I spent over 50 minutes on the elliptical and it has a selection of workouts, with a monitor.  Most of the videos are from the states and one is in the Moab region of Utah.  It's kind of fun to workout and see images from places where I've been with our family, scouts and colleagues in CES.

We are keeping in touch with friends through Facebook, emails and various messenger services.  I've been able to call my mom quite a few times and it's nice to hear from you.


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