January 20th, it's been six years
We're waiting for the young missionaries to come over and have a "cookie bake" with Sister Weber and we've just watched one of the biggest hail storms of our life. I actually sent a Marco Polo to the family while it was happening. We seriously wondered if we'd have a window break out. All is well now with a little more rain falling. Every drop is such a blessing to this dry country.
The title to this post is because it's the anniversary of my fathers' death. I was so blessed to have him as a dad. I know that people's memory has a tendency to remember the good and diminish the bad but anyone that knew him, at any point in his life, would agree with my assessment. I've met wonderful people in my life and been in the presence of prophets but my father stands at the top. His ability to see what mattered most and his respect for others, particularly my mother, was always before my eyes. He wasn't loud, except when cheering for me, and you could tell that people wanted to be near him. Because I'm his only son, it seemed that we did so much together. It wasn't a rare occasion that he would pull me out of school and take me along to various meetings and luncheons that he was involved with. Once, when there was a PGA event at one of the golf courses down in Mission Valley he had me miss two days of school so that we could follow some of the golfing greats. Yes, we were always active as a family of four but he always sought ways to teach me. We were in "Indian Guides" before I was a cub scout. We'd go with Mont Allan and his son, Greg, and join with other, fathers and sons, for a weekly gathering. We had to choose Indian names for ourselves and he wanted to be "Big Bald Eagle" and I'd be "Little Bald Eagle" but I didn't like the humor pointed in his direction so we settled for "Big Light Arrow" and I was "Little Light Arrow". We even carved arrows that we then hung around our necks. As I grew into adulthood my father was always a source of knowledge but he'd never try to intervene with my pathway even though I often made mistakes. His model of parenting, after I was married, was one that I hope to follow now that our sons are married. I want to be able to give assistance, and even some answers, but if they don't want to ask me the question then I'll smile and watch from my easy chair in the corner of Wyoming.
Yesterday we took Elders Lee, Palmer and Leishman to attend church in Goulburn. It was a beautiful day and it also contained another "first" here in Australia. I had to grab the brakes to keep from hitting two male kangaroos that jumped out in front of us. Definitely a moment to bring out the adrenalin. Evelyn and I both spoke in the meeting and afterward we shared a light meal before heading back to Canberra. The saints that live out in that part of the country and so faithful. I was chided by one sister when she saw that I had put some watermelon on the plate with pasta and salad. "Oh, that is so American. You always have to put sweet with spicy!" When I asked what she meant she scolded me further by telling me that watermelon should be put out with the desserts. Oh well, I like watermelon with anything.
It's now 6:20 and we're getting ready to head over to the Lyneham church to hold FHE. We're doing it there so we can have an activity night. Evelyn has prepared watermelon and grapes and I'm sure that some of the kids will bring food. During the afternoon, we had 7 young missionaries here and Evelyn baked chocolate chip cookies with them. Elder Eden and Elder Tolson showed up first and they hadn't had lunch yet so Evelyn whipped them up a nice chicken lunch. They stayed for about 4 hours and we visited and shared some laughter. Elder Leishman is from Idaho Falls and his father was killed in a snowmobile accident 2 winters back. They were actually in a canyon that I'm quite familiar with and I remember the news of his fathers death. Elder Leishman shared some sweet memories with his father and his testimony about the plan of salvation. His conviction regarding the spirit world is strong and he has a quiet confidence that comes from that furnace of experience. Wasn't it Elder Maxwell that said something to the affect, "how can we have refining fires without enduring some heat".
Tomorrow we will host the district, for breakfast, here at our flat. Evelyn is going to make French toast and I'll help by cooking up- some bacon. Tomorrow evening we have a meeting with the Coordinator from Seminaries and Institute. Then Wednesday we'll travel to Sydney and attend the temple. We have a Zone Conference on Thursday and Friday morning we'll be back here in Canberra for a District Council. Saturday and Sunday we'll be visiting the Branch in Marimbula.
If you knew my father and would like to add a comment please feel free. I'm a blessed child of Heavenly, and mortal, parents.
The title to this post is because it's the anniversary of my fathers' death. I was so blessed to have him as a dad. I know that people's memory has a tendency to remember the good and diminish the bad but anyone that knew him, at any point in his life, would agree with my assessment. I've met wonderful people in my life and been in the presence of prophets but my father stands at the top. His ability to see what mattered most and his respect for others, particularly my mother, was always before my eyes. He wasn't loud, except when cheering for me, and you could tell that people wanted to be near him. Because I'm his only son, it seemed that we did so much together. It wasn't a rare occasion that he would pull me out of school and take me along to various meetings and luncheons that he was involved with. Once, when there was a PGA event at one of the golf courses down in Mission Valley he had me miss two days of school so that we could follow some of the golfing greats. Yes, we were always active as a family of four but he always sought ways to teach me. We were in "Indian Guides" before I was a cub scout. We'd go with Mont Allan and his son, Greg, and join with other, fathers and sons, for a weekly gathering. We had to choose Indian names for ourselves and he wanted to be "Big Bald Eagle" and I'd be "Little Bald Eagle" but I didn't like the humor pointed in his direction so we settled for "Big Light Arrow" and I was "Little Light Arrow". We even carved arrows that we then hung around our necks. As I grew into adulthood my father was always a source of knowledge but he'd never try to intervene with my pathway even though I often made mistakes. His model of parenting, after I was married, was one that I hope to follow now that our sons are married. I want to be able to give assistance, and even some answers, but if they don't want to ask me the question then I'll smile and watch from my easy chair in the corner of Wyoming.
Yesterday we took Elders Lee, Palmer and Leishman to attend church in Goulburn. It was a beautiful day and it also contained another "first" here in Australia. I had to grab the brakes to keep from hitting two male kangaroos that jumped out in front of us. Definitely a moment to bring out the adrenalin. Evelyn and I both spoke in the meeting and afterward we shared a light meal before heading back to Canberra. The saints that live out in that part of the country and so faithful. I was chided by one sister when she saw that I had put some watermelon on the plate with pasta and salad. "Oh, that is so American. You always have to put sweet with spicy!" When I asked what she meant she scolded me further by telling me that watermelon should be put out with the desserts. Oh well, I like watermelon with anything.
It's now 6:20 and we're getting ready to head over to the Lyneham church to hold FHE. We're doing it there so we can have an activity night. Evelyn has prepared watermelon and grapes and I'm sure that some of the kids will bring food. During the afternoon, we had 7 young missionaries here and Evelyn baked chocolate chip cookies with them. Elder Eden and Elder Tolson showed up first and they hadn't had lunch yet so Evelyn whipped them up a nice chicken lunch. They stayed for about 4 hours and we visited and shared some laughter. Elder Leishman is from Idaho Falls and his father was killed in a snowmobile accident 2 winters back. They were actually in a canyon that I'm quite familiar with and I remember the news of his fathers death. Elder Leishman shared some sweet memories with his father and his testimony about the plan of salvation. His conviction regarding the spirit world is strong and he has a quiet confidence that comes from that furnace of experience. Wasn't it Elder Maxwell that said something to the affect, "how can we have refining fires without enduring some heat".
Tomorrow we will host the district, for breakfast, here at our flat. Evelyn is going to make French toast and I'll help by cooking up- some bacon. Tomorrow evening we have a meeting with the Coordinator from Seminaries and Institute. Then Wednesday we'll travel to Sydney and attend the temple. We have a Zone Conference on Thursday and Friday morning we'll be back here in Canberra for a District Council. Saturday and Sunday we'll be visiting the Branch in Marimbula.
If you knew my father and would like to add a comment please feel free. I'm a blessed child of Heavenly, and mortal, parents.
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