new day, new news
Good morning from down under! I wake up earlier than "normal" and this morning I felt impressed to reach for my phone, rather than a quiet time of study and pondering. As my phone screen lit up it was with a picture of the angel Moroni, on the Salt Lake Temple, without his trumpet. My first thought was that somebody was pranking and had photoshopped it out. Nope, the trumpet fell out when the Salt Lake area suffered an earthquake. From what I'm reading now, there are no injuries, however, there are several damaged buildings and the airport had to shut down due to a water line break and there will be other discoveries, I'm certain. Margie, sent me an email and said that she'd been sent home from the Church Administration building at 9am. There have been several conversations, between our boys, on Marco Polo. I'm grateful they have the friendship, and companionship, to help them in these interesting times.
Last night was our first virtual, online, Institute class. I'm willing to say it was a success, however, I'm also willing to say that it can only get better from here. There was a glitch right from the beginning to make the Zoom app work and it's awkward to teach from a kitchen chair. I had to smile, at the end of the class, when the four students were giving some feedback and the first message was, "Elder Weber, you can't make so many gestures and quick motions, it doesn't look good." The best part of the class was Evelyn. She took a segment on the concept of being instruments in the Lord's hand. She had such powerful insights and she had definite bullet points and excellent questions.
We were told, yesterday, that President Runia was going to give us a call. The call never came through but we weren't surprised, knowing how many things he's having to handle at the moment. The 14 missionaries that were supposed to arrive yesterday, didn't come in because of the quarantine rules in Australia. He had to pull 33 missionaries out of downtown Sydney area because of the coronavirus and he's receiving constant updates from Salt Lake. In the meantime, we're safe, basically in isolation and very healthy. We went shopping yesterday and tried to stay 6 feet from anyone. We wiped down any surfaces that we touched and used sanitizer after the store.
One of my favorite thoughts about this moment in mortality is this; during all these major developments and so many people in distress, it has been a joy to see hundreds of messages and posts in social media that speak of faith, peace, love, service and most especially a gratitude for Jesus Christ and his conversations with a Prophet.
I can still see, in my memory bank, our sons calling out "faster, daddy, faster" as we would go down sidewalks on bicycles, sledding down mountains, and water skiing. Well, hold on everyone, we're going "faster"!
Last night was our first virtual, online, Institute class. I'm willing to say it was a success, however, I'm also willing to say that it can only get better from here. There was a glitch right from the beginning to make the Zoom app work and it's awkward to teach from a kitchen chair. I had to smile, at the end of the class, when the four students were giving some feedback and the first message was, "Elder Weber, you can't make so many gestures and quick motions, it doesn't look good." The best part of the class was Evelyn. She took a segment on the concept of being instruments in the Lord's hand. She had such powerful insights and she had definite bullet points and excellent questions.
We were told, yesterday, that President Runia was going to give us a call. The call never came through but we weren't surprised, knowing how many things he's having to handle at the moment. The 14 missionaries that were supposed to arrive yesterday, didn't come in because of the quarantine rules in Australia. He had to pull 33 missionaries out of downtown Sydney area because of the coronavirus and he's receiving constant updates from Salt Lake. In the meantime, we're safe, basically in isolation and very healthy. We went shopping yesterday and tried to stay 6 feet from anyone. We wiped down any surfaces that we touched and used sanitizer after the store.
One of my favorite thoughts about this moment in mortality is this; during all these major developments and so many people in distress, it has been a joy to see hundreds of messages and posts in social media that speak of faith, peace, love, service and most especially a gratitude for Jesus Christ and his conversations with a Prophet.
I can still see, in my memory bank, our sons calling out "faster, daddy, faster" as we would go down sidewalks on bicycles, sledding down mountains, and water skiing. Well, hold on everyone, we're going "faster"!
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