a different perspective
On Sunday, Evelyn gave a talk (I spoke of it in a previous post) in which she told the story of being able to perform "magic" on her grandkids, in Wyoming, by stopping the 4X4 at different places along the trail to make the distant trees change in their "numbers". Her experience was a great way to point out that things can "appear differently" because of where we are standing. That happened yesterday because of an individual seeing something from a different perspective.
A parent called, from one of the local wards, and wanted to meet with us. When we asked why they wanted to visit with us the answer was enlightening. "Well, you are the Stake Young Adult advisors and my child is one of your young adults and I need your advice". It's hard to argue with that. We had a delightful experience sharing the concerns of a parent whose child is standing at a crossroads. I am hopeful, and prayerful, that we might be an instrument in helping this caring parent.
Monday evening we had a great FHE here in our flat. The Watson's, a young couple who have been called as the YSA reps from the Black Mountain Ward took care of the whole evening. They had a great message, organized the first game, and then we turned the place into a board game night. A table was set up here in the main room and they used the table in the kitchen. There were several games played and lots of laughter and love. Two young ladies who had met the sister missionaries came, by themselves, and we had a great visit. They both have finished their graduate degrees in Accounting from ANU and are now trying to find work. Both of these sweet girls are from China and would like to stay in Australia but are facing several obstacles regarding citizenship and employment. They are very inquisitive and our discussions covered a myriad of subjects but they both left with their own copies of the Book of Mormon. Michael also brought a friend who was very open to the idea of studying for himself so I made sure and send him home with his own book.
It's Tiffany's birthday and we were able to Marco Polo with them. As Evelyn told her, she's an amazing mom, wife and daughter in law. It was Nora's birthday a few days ago and we have several more celebrations in the next few weeks. Thank goodness for modern internet communications so we can visit with these wonderful loved ones.
We're going over to the Goodwin Centre for the Hymn sign this evening. We'll pick up Charles and hopefully we'll be joined by more of the young people tonight. The people like to have us come and they love Evelyn playing the piano but we're pretty sure it's the young, and beautiful, that they want to see.
A parent called, from one of the local wards, and wanted to meet with us. When we asked why they wanted to visit with us the answer was enlightening. "Well, you are the Stake Young Adult advisors and my child is one of your young adults and I need your advice". It's hard to argue with that. We had a delightful experience sharing the concerns of a parent whose child is standing at a crossroads. I am hopeful, and prayerful, that we might be an instrument in helping this caring parent.
Monday evening we had a great FHE here in our flat. The Watson's, a young couple who have been called as the YSA reps from the Black Mountain Ward took care of the whole evening. They had a great message, organized the first game, and then we turned the place into a board game night. A table was set up here in the main room and they used the table in the kitchen. There were several games played and lots of laughter and love. Two young ladies who had met the sister missionaries came, by themselves, and we had a great visit. They both have finished their graduate degrees in Accounting from ANU and are now trying to find work. Both of these sweet girls are from China and would like to stay in Australia but are facing several obstacles regarding citizenship and employment. They are very inquisitive and our discussions covered a myriad of subjects but they both left with their own copies of the Book of Mormon. Michael also brought a friend who was very open to the idea of studying for himself so I made sure and send him home with his own book.
It's Tiffany's birthday and we were able to Marco Polo with them. As Evelyn told her, she's an amazing mom, wife and daughter in law. It was Nora's birthday a few days ago and we have several more celebrations in the next few weeks. Thank goodness for modern internet communications so we can visit with these wonderful loved ones.
We're going over to the Goodwin Centre for the Hymn sign this evening. We'll pick up Charles and hopefully we'll be joined by more of the young people tonight. The people like to have us come and they love Evelyn playing the piano but we're pretty sure it's the young, and beautiful, that they want to see.
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