Adam and Tiff, with their three children, are visiting Matt and Breanne in Texas. They posted a Marco Polo while they were playing a game on a Saturday evening. It was such a joy to watch some of our grown children being together and playing together. Family is what matters most. Today we went to both Fast and Testimony meetings in the Lyneham Chapel. Both meetings were a bit subdued because of Simon Mimouney's death. The funeral will be tomorrow morning and there were several expressions of love from the pulpit. I've often reflected on that Sunday morning after Joseph departed this life and wondered how the church meeting went. As I recall, one of the boys attended church but the rest of us stayed home and tried to arrange for things that felt overwhelming. Sometimes that feels like so long ago that nobody else would remember the day but, for me, it is seared in my memory and heart. Last evening we took a drive out to Sutton. It i...