Evelyn's Birthday

It's March 14 in Australia which means it's Evelyn's birthday.  Some people celebrate "pie day" on 3-14 and I wish I were able to bake Evelyn a pie but that would be impossible.  Why impossible?  Because nobody, and I mean nobody, can make a pie to compare to Evelyn's pie.  No, don't message me or text me and tell me how good yours is.  It doesn't stand a chance against hers.  Her crust is magic,  It's just the right amount of flakey, buttery, and the perfect texture.  No, take your hands off of your phones, you won't win!

It seems that the world is in a bit of a chaotic state.  The news is in an hourly cycle.  Now, the pandemic is enough that many nations are heavily impacted and it's a global effort to stem the tide.  The church announced that, not only are all meetings cancelled, but the temples are going to be closed for any proxy work.  If someone happens to read this blog that doesn't know what the temples are all about, let me explain, briefly.  Temples are sacred and dedicated buildings where worthy members are invited to go and make covenants with our Heavenly Father.  Weddings, for eternity, are performed in the temple as well as other ordinances.  After an individual has received all of the ordinances of the gospel, then we return to do vicarious work for family members who are deceased.  This is called proxy work and it is the largest consumer of time and energy in our temples.  Now, for a period of time, the temples will be open for individuals to receive their own endowments or be sealed for time and eternity.  These ordinances will be available by scheduling with a temple.  For instance, in the Star Valley Temple, it was not uncommon to have only a half dozen living ordinances scheduled in week.  This temporary change will impact a large number of temple workers throughout the world.

Here in Canberra we will not be holding family home evenings with the young adults nor will we be holding Institute classes on Wednesday evening.  We'll do our best to stay in touch with these wonderful young people but getting together will not be permitted.  The church is sending all the senior couples in Europe home.  I don't know what tomorrow brings but rest assured that we are alive and well here in Australia.

Now, a thought from the scriptures.  Ammon was a young missionary who had a great deal of success.  His brother Aaron was concerned that Ammon was boasting in his joy and success.  Ammons answer is powerful.  He said, "I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.  Yea, I know that I am nothing, as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."  (Alma 26: 11-12)  We need the strength of God now, as much as ever, to assist us in these perilous times.  Pray that his arm will be revealed, that our hearts will not fail us and we shall again rejoice in church worship and temple ordinances.  Love to all.


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