He that hath an ear to hear

As the year 2000 approached I determined a worthy goal for that momentous year would be to read every recorded general conference talk, including the Journal of Discourses.  It was a wonderful experience to expose myself to so many great leaders, and teachings, of the church in this dispensation.  I was rewarded with an experience that was unexpected.  Let me share a few things to
set the stage for this experience.

1.)  When I started teaching, full time, for the church in 1978 I began an exposure to various general authorities of the church that was rather unusual.  I became friends to some of the leaders that would allow conversations and experiences that would help direct my choices in my ways.  A few of these leaders were also very "popular" with the church membership.  Men like Bruce R. McConkie, Neal A. Maxwell and Jeffery R. Holland amongst others.  Some of them had such unique vocabularies and speaking styles that it seemed you could "hear" them even when you were just reading their talks.  I am certain that anybody reading this is probably nodding their head in agreement, if you knew any of these leaders.

2.)  My Great, Great Grandfather was Marriner W. Merrill who was an Apostle from 1889 to 1906.  His son, Joseph F. Merrill was also an apostle from 1931 until his death in 1952.  Joseph Merrill would also perform the sealing of my parents in the Salt Lake Temple in 1947.

3.)   I am guilty of sometimes using my training in speed reading to cover materials.

This reading all took place before any of these texts were available in an online format so I was using the physical books that were available to me.  Many of these talks would span several pages and it would sometimes require me to turn back a page or two to remember who was speaking.  When I moved into the years where my family members were speaking, I would take more time to listen and ponder their message.  Now, here's where it gets interesting.  I would be reading a talk and suddenly say, "Oh, that's Uncle Joseph".  I could tell by the style, and conversation that it was Joseph Merrill.  Other times I would recognize Marriner's voice.  Even though I had never met either of these men, it was as though I knew them, and could hear them!

Before the church was even officially organized the Lord spoke to Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer. He said, "These words are not of men nor of man, but of me; wherefore, you shall testify they are of me... For it is my voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my Spirit unto you and by my power you can read them one to another... Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words"  ( D. & C. 18:34-36)

I can testify, after a lifetime of listening, that the words of the scriptures are the words of the Lord.  Let's follow a prophet when he invites us to "hear" the Lord and be prepared in these last days.  He that is prepared shall not fear


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